Tag Archives: post

31 May 1916

Peirs_Le_1916-05-31_01 Peirs_Le_1916-05-31_02


8th Queens
B. E. F.
31. 5. 1916.

My dear Mother,

Many thanks for yours of the 28th. I got one from Odd by the same post & also a Bystander from Cecily. I am glad the Red Cross show went off all right & that the pram is on her way to complete recovery. I hope you get down to Aldenham in her some time or other. There is no particular news. We are back in the line again & it seems fairly quiet except for those infernal minenwerfer which they trouble us with from time to time. The things they throw are colossal great bombs, bear shaped & weighing about 220 lbs each, & make a terrific din when they go off though they seem to be mostly noise unless they get right into a trench when they damage it a bit. I am glad to hear the war is to finish in the autumn, as it is a good thing to have it decided! I have guessed at February as a likely moment for some time now. The Brigade keep a book of guesses & have kept it now for some time. They have had to scratch off a lot of people already who guessed a date before this The earliest guess they had I think was last Xmas & they have nothing over Xmas 1917.

I suppose G. & W. will have returned to the fold by the time you get this. Give them & Aunt Katie my love.


