Tag Archives: food & drink

14 September 1916

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14. 9. 1916.

(rec’d 19 – 9 – 16)

My dear Father,

Many thanks for letters of the 7th & 10th received to-day & for a letter from Cecily of the 8th & Odd of the 6th, also a cake (& some shortbread yesterday ^ from C) from Odd & a letter from Lillie which I return.  I have had a full day with complicated Court Martials & go on to-morrow I am also in temporary charge, as the C. O. has been suddenly called home as his wife is apparently very ill.  I hope it is not really serious but it is very sudden.  She was all right a few days ago, as she was [illegible] working on the land down Gomshall way. She is a daughter of Leader the artist.

I was just about to get a couple of days leave too, which of course is now off, as I shall have to stay here & cope


with the great & glittering as they swarm about here & need to be firmly tackled.

But whispers have reached me of the dim & distant possibility of leave to England being reopened, so it is possible that by the end of the month I shall be looking you up wherever you may be. However I haven’t got leave yet & nor has anyone else to my knowledge except the C. O. whose leave is of the special variety, & of course they may push us into the line again especially if there is a big push on & it is successful & I see that the D. T. says there is a big push coming off. However all this is as may be


Anyhow you had better make no arrangements & don’t let Cecily come South or do anything foolish like that on the chance, as it is all so very remote. I am quite sure the Censor wouldn’t like me to say where I was on the 21st ult so I fear it must keep.  I was shown round part of a Chateau to-day, where we were holding our Court – a Count by the owner, a Count with a penchant for collecting things & he has a fine lot of furniture & carving.  A lovely old place which has been in the family 600 years.  What are your plans for the end of the month? Love to all


If it is fine what about Oxford for a few days, if I get off?  I could get the pram there.
